Sunday, September 27, 2009

My wife has a good eye!

Jo is a good photographer!  She has a real natural eye for an interesting subject and has especially shined through the years with candid portraits.  She has a way of making the person comfortable then catching just the right moment to get that great expression.

Recently she ventured into digital photography and has been unofficially the official photographer for our band.  Last night we were playing for a fundraiser in Freight House Square, downtown Tacoma.  She took some colorful pictures of each of the band members then turned around and started watching the crowd.   A cute, spirited gal with bobby socks and red shoes was really stealing the show.  Jo loved the way she danced and how her red shoes sparkled when the light hit them just right.   After taking a few shots she timed it perfectly and caught this image.

When we were all done for the night I stepped outside onto the deck to cool off.  She stood back with her wide angle lens and made this photo with me framed in the doorway.  I love it!  Both images are visually interesting and capture the flavor of the night perfectly.

-Click on an image to see it larger-

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Free-Range Tumbleweed

For whatever reason this image I made has been fairly popular.  A company in Wisconsin uses the color version as their web banner.  A head banger band in Germany used it for their CD cover, posters and buttons.  An author put it in his book on social disorders.  And most recently a guy in the Netherlands is using it for a poster on homelessness. 

For me it just reminded me of the fields around my childhood home in eastern Washington. I loved the energy of the wind storms and watching the tumbleweeds come alive. 

~Click on the image to see it larger~