Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sorry Joyce!

This is one of those images where you just start doodling with ideas that never really work.  I have no idea what the image means except that I was trying to copy famed photographer, Joyce Tennison's style.

My niece, Kylee, was my victim who briefly tolerated being posed.  I guess if I was serious about the image I would have asked her to wear something different than a spanish Coca Cola shirt, but then in hindsight someone could look at it and ponder, is there an ethnic meaning behind this?? It could have been one of those little accidents that sometimes make an image more interesting.  

I briefly thought about using butterflies instead of feathers but then why be trite?  At least with a feather you get to ponder again.   

In fact I'm pondering right now as to why I'm even putting this in my photo journal. I made this image a couple of years ago and didn't do anything with it then.  I still won't do anything with it except put it in this journal and say...what was that all about??  :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Texas Hold 'Em Up!

At a family reunion in Texas my cousins kids were happily playing together in a corner of the room.  I went over and got some cute mug shots but also wanted something more creative.  I asked, if I was a movie star photographer how would they like to pose?  I had no idea what they would come up with as the boys  grabbed their toy guns and pretended to shoot their sister. The fact that she seemed to care less makes the image more compelling.  What works for me is the images symmetry and mix of 'adorable' vs 'disturbing'. 

You may click on the image to see it larger.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You don't need a lot of people to have a good time!

What is a disclaimer?  Ahem... disclaimer is generally any statement intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that may be exercised and enforced by parties in a legally-recognized relationship.

It's also a band, a band that I even play in.  Last Saturday we attracted a whopping 30 people for ribs, lemonade, homemade beer, and our music under the warm farm sky near Orting.  It was an end-of-the-year party for folks running a farm that produces fruits and veggies- all of which are distributed directly to local food banks and hot meal programs.   Nice folks. :)   

You don't need a lot of people to have a good time!

The best time was clearly being had by Ellie, the dog.  If you had barbeque ribs you were her best friend.  When the music began she went into happy mode prancing and wagging.  I thought she loved us until I realized it was her leash in her mouth which she was bringing to everyone to take her for a walk....Get me outta here! 

Meandering out into the field we smiled with the sunflowers for our annual band photo.   Not that we necessarily think of ourselves as a sunny band, but it was either that or stand by the port-a-potty.  Come to think of it maybe that would have been a better fit :)    

Since this is my photo blog I'll mention that I put the camera on a tripod and ran into the picture. In hindsight, if I did it again I'd raise my tripod higher so our heads don't compete with the trees and sky.  

You can also see photos my wife took of us at     

Rock on!  

disclaimer- no one in the band is considered armed or dangerous.....damn, maybe standing with sunflowers is appropriate.

Click the picture to see it larger